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We want to be well and we want to do well

as we look up, look out, look in and look down!

First Dromara Presbyterian Church seeks to be a W.E.L.L.

Church by following Acts 2:42-47.


“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”


W- Worship- Looking up

Our worship is primarily saturated with the Bible, as it is God’s perfect and completed Word to us.  Each Lord’s Day we meet together to worship God according to His Word.  We read His word, we sing from His Word, we pray from His Word, we listen to His Word being preached, we observe the sacraments we are commanded to from His Word, and in response to His Word, we give our tithes and offerings.  God tells us in His Word how He is to be worshiped and that is what we do when we meet at 11:30 and 6:45 every week. We want to be a community who come to God in God’s way and not in our own way. “The dearest idol I have known, whate’er that idol be, help me to tear it from Thy throne, and worship ONLY Thee.”  William Cowper.


E- Evangelism- Looking out

A.W. Pink once commented “if a church does not evangelize it will fossilize”. The church has an awesome message. The Good News of Jesus Christ should be on the lips of every Christian person. That is why we as a church support missionary organisations, and that is why we encourage our youth to be involved in summer outreach teams. We preach the Word of God to empower every Christian believer to go into their work places, families and social circles to tell people the Gospel message that Jesus Christ came into the World to save sinners. That is why we have our children’s, youth and adult organisations.  C.H.Spurgeon said “if sinners be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies.” First Dromara Presbyterian Church seeks to look out into our villages (Kinallen and Dromara) and surrounding area and to tell everyone we come across the Gospel message.  To not tell others this Good News would be selfish.


L- Loving- Looking in

“When we take God for our God, we take His people for our people” according to Matthew Henry.  Church is the Covenant family.  We should love each other and love spending time with another. Our Presbyterian forefathers loved to sing Psalm 122, “I joy’d when to the House of God, go up they said to me”, they loved to be in the place of worship together. As believers meet together each Lord’s Day and at other activities during the week, because we love to have fellowship one with another.  This means that we cast off all forms of animosity or hatred towards one another and we seek to be a united front for the Gospel.  “We are neither made nor redeemed for self-sufficient aloneness”, states J.I. Packer.  No one in our community should feel unloved or alone while First Dromara Presbyterian Church exists. We would love to see you worshipping with us at any time and enjoying the close fellowship we enjoy together.


L- Learning- Looking down

The puritan of old, Richard Sibbes said: “Preaching is the chariot that carries Christ up and down the world.”  We come to church to learn more about the unsearchable richness of Christ; that His Grace has no height, width or depth, and that His Salvation is full and free to all who trust in His grace alone, by faith alone in Christ alone.  That is why we systematically preach and teach through the Bible.  Second Timothy 3:16 reminds us “all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.”  Through the preached Word of God, we pray that those outside of Christ will accept His offer of salvation and those who love Him will be built up in their most holy faith.  Each of us has a personal decision to make every week- do we put what we have heard into practise, or not! Through this, our prayer is that the Lord would add to our number daily those who are being saved and be glorified through our worship. 


Please join us as we seek to be a ‘WELL’ community.


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