First Steps Toddlers' Group
First Steps Toddlers Group meets every Monday morning from 10am to 12 noon in the main hall during the school year.
Children have playtime while the adults enjoy a wee chat. There is yummy snack time and plenty of crafts and we always finish with song and rhythm time.
Sunday School
Sunday School for children in P1 to P7 meets from 10.30am to 11.20am in the main halls from September to June.
The children learn verses, catechism and choruses and go to classes to learn stories from the bible.
There is a Christmas party in December and an annual family barbecue at the end of June.

Children's Church and creche facility
Children's Church, in the lounge, is for primary aged children who leave after the childrens' address during the morning service. Children enjoy some crafts and Bible stories during the Sunday morning sermon. For younger children, creche is held in the main hall and is fully supervised.
Holiday Bible Club - Arise
Holiday Bible Club takes place in early July every year. Primary School age children from the church and surrounding area gather together for a week of fun, games and bible stories every evening. In parallel we hold an event for Secondary School Children who enjoy a programme of activities and bible teaching.
Ambassadors Football Camp
Ambassadors Football Camp takes place in late July every year. Taking over Fair Hill Primary Schools pitch for the week, young people from P4 to Yr9 enjoy a week of fun and football centered around God's word.